Naples Daily News

Two submission options:

Word count limit: 275 words or less

If filling out the online form:

  •  You must enter the first and last name of the person signing their name to the letter, as well as their mailing address into the appropriate specified fields.
  •  Then, you copy and paste the full text of the letter into the field labeled "your letter to the editor."
  •  You will then be required to enter the signer’s email address and phone number into the appropriate specified fields.
  •  Upon completing the form, review for any errors and if none, click "submit form."

If submitting via email:

  •  Open a new email, and fill in "letter to the editor for consideration" along with the desired title, if any, as the subject line.
  •  You will then copy and paste the full text of the letter into the body of the email, not as an attachment.
  •  Underneath the text of the letter, include the first and last name of the signer, along with their mailing address and phone number.
  •  Review for any errors and if none, send the email.